Project on Kickstarter-Clone

Jigyasa Kaushik
3 min readJan 3, 2021


— three days of dedication and hard work.. 😄

We, a team of three members, have tried to make a pixel-perfect clone of the original website Kickstarter, during our Full Stack Web Development Course at Masai School.

Kickstarter is an American public-benefit corporation based in Brooklyn, New York, that maintains a global crowdfunding platform focused on creativity. Kickstarter has received more than $4.6 billion in pledges from 17.2 million backers to fund 445,000 projects, such as films, music, stage shows, comics, journalism, video games, technology, publishing, and food-related projects.

About the Project

Tech Stacks used:-
React js
Bootstrap version: 4.5

A glimpse of the project and a simple walk-through of the website.

The website lands on the Home Page where we have a Header with few options, a Navbar with various routes to different paths for different categories, a body, a Footer, and on the right there is a sidebar with Recommended Projects and pagination applied. These are all reusable components and we have used them in all routing pages as well.

We have created a database of few dummy projects and a data context provider to show the projects on our webpage and mapped those data on the home page and filtered and shown in respective categories as well. On clicking a particular data it redirects to the details page of that particular one from where we can fund that project if we like the idea and concept. The “Back this project” button on that page redirects us to the payment page and further to the transaction details.

Further “Start this project” option at the header, which takes us to the various pages where the user can feed the details about his new project and submit it at last, and then redirects to the Terms and Conditions page.

Before the final submission of creating a new project, there is a private route that redirects to the Login page.
We fetched Reqres API using Axios for login. After login, only authenticated users will be able to post his project.

Heartfelt gratitude to my teammates Pranay Kumar for his contribution in ‘Start a project’ page and Jamwant Yadav who was responsible for ‘Login’ and most of the styling in various pages.

If you want to try it yourself, please go to:-

Demo link:
Source Code:


